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January 30, 2004

   Toby Westerman, Editor and Publisher                                                                                   Copyright 2004


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January 30, 2004
By Toby Westerman
Copyright 2004 International News Analysis Today

Relentless, merciless press coverage and speculation on every conceivable facet of the Democratic presidential primary is taking precedence over reports of a clear, present, and increasingly severe threat to the security of the United States.

Neither "liberal" or "right-wing" media outlets are addressing one of the most grave threats to America since the end of the Cold War: the rise of a strong, technically sophisticated Communist Chinese military, and its support from "democratic Russia."

Recent international press reports, which have been ignored for the most part in the U.S., indicate that Chinese military leaders feel confident enough in their growing strength to soon challenge the Pacific fleet of the U.S. navy.

The Chinese military is ready to abandon its policy of primarily close to shore defense, and reach out in force into the South Pacific and Indian Ocean.

Using the defense of oil transport sea lanes as a justification, Communist China intends to extend its power as far as the Persian Gulf, and effectively challenge U.S. sea power, which has not faced a serious threat to its supremacy in the region since the defeat of Japan in WWII.

China appears bent on reestablishing a military seafaring tradition, which once existed centuries ago.

Beijing is particularly interested in the strategic bottleneck of Asian sea transport called the Strait of Malacca, a narrow body of water separating Malaysia, the wealthy commercial city state of Singapore, and Indonesia.

Chinese President Hu Jintao made clear that his nation would challenge the U.S. in the Strait of Malacca - and by extension on the sea lanes in general -- stating that "certain powers [the U.S.] have all along encroached upon and tried to control the navigation through the [Malacca] strait," according to a recent report from China Reform Monitor.

About the same time Hu issued his statement referring to the Malacca Strait, an article in a Hong Kong newspaper with close ties to the Peoples Liberation Army stated that the China's military is ready to attack U.S. shipping, if China's import of Persian Gulf oil is attacked.

The reader should note that Chinese interests have virtual control of both ends of the Panama Canal, and operate the world's largest container shipping port in Freetown, Bahamas.

Communist China - as well as "democratic" Russia -- also has two staunch supports in America's "backyard," Fidel Castro's Cuba, and the Marxist government of Hugo Chavez in oil-rich Venezuela.

In the United States, the Venezuelan state oil company holds 100 percent control over the popular Citgo gas stations.

Beijing has been preparing to make good its challenge to the U.S. with a stunning military modernization program, including an impressive space exploration effort. "Democratic" Russia is the largest supplier of hardware and technology to Communist China, and is also embarking upon a campaign to muzzle the press, revive Communist symbols and associations, and all but turn the governing of Russia over to the internal security services (secret police).

Ironically, Moscow's aid to China would not have been possible without the unsuspecting aid of the American consumer. U.S. sales of China-made goods accounts for billions of dollars of trade, and constitutes one of the main financial backers of Beijing's arms buildup.

Remarkably, the European Union may also send arms to China. At the urging of France, the E.U. is continuing to ponder the question of selling military equipment to China, despite Beijing's still miserable human rights record. French aid to China is based upon a shared desire by Paris and Beijing to break American world "hegemony."

These are some of the grim facts that stand silently behind the news of the latest business deal or political pact with the Communist ruling elite. These are the developments which are ignored or downplayed by the reporters and pundits of the dominant media.

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