Cults and "Seers" Shatter Faith --
Part of a Larger Plan?
June 24, 2003
By Toby Westerman
Copyright 2003 International News Analysis Today
Current ills plaguing the Catholic Church may be the result of infiltration from outside secular forces, according to an interview with Phillip Kronzer, noted crusader against religious fraud, on the Michael Corbin radio talk show,
4 a Closer Look.
Kronzer, founder of the Kronzer Foundation, discussed the ongoing attempts at the destruction of the Catholic Church by a network of false "seers" and their backers. Kronzer declared that the false "seers" and the cults surrounding them were ultimately traceable to Planned Parenthood.
Zeroing in on the Medjugorje controversy, an apparition which the Catholic Church has not approved, Kronzer declared that billions of dollars have been defrauded from faithful Catholics to provide an extravagant living for false "seers" and their handlers.
Kronzer stated that his foundation is currently involved in several investigations of fraud and cult abuse. He cited an investigation in Minnesota, which centers upon the unexplained disappearance of a small boy feared to be a victim of clergy abuse, as well as his foundation's legal assistance to a woman whose children are living with a cult in North Carolina.
The Konzer Foundation is also using its investigative resources to come to the aid of a man suspected of having been "framed" by Medjugorje cult leaders, and subsequently sent to prison on false testimony.
Certain individuals angered at Kronzer's actions to expose religious fraud and cult activity recently attempted to destroy him through allegations of various forms of criminal activity. Kronzer's cooperation with police authorities led to his complete exoneration by an FBI investigation.
Both Kronzer and Corbin stressed that the Catholic Church is currently the target of individuals whose social agenda is hostile to the traditional morality of the Catholic faith. A similiar strategy is being employed against other faiths.
Kronzer promised additional revelations through his foundation's investigations, both in Europe and in the U.S.
The July 2003 issue of International News Analysis, our print report, documents research into the infiltration into the Catholic Church, and INA has discovered startling evidence confirming Kronzer's and Corbin's assessment of outside infiltration.
The upcoming issue of International News Analysis will examine the decades-long assault upon the Church from Moscow, an assault which may be bearing fruit in the present deterioration and scandals within the Catholic Church around the world.
Copyright 2003 International News Analysis Today
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