International News Analysis -- Today YOUR SOURCE FOR NEWS AND ANALYSIS SINCE 1996 International News Analysis
November 14, 2013 By Toby Westerman
The best underrated spy agency in the world, and staunch Moscow ally, is broadcasting to someone in the state of Ohio.
Cuban intelligence is one of the best trained and effective in the world. Originally trained by Soviet intelligence, it’s agents have only one important enemy – the United States. Cuba is known to share its intelligence information with Russia and China. Although Cuban foreign intelligence is thought to be concentrated in south Florida and New York City, a numbers station broadcast directed toward Ohio indicates a wider web of operatives.
A numbers station usually broadcasts a series of seemingly unrelated numbers via shortwave radio and is received by an operative who decodes the numbers using a “pad.” The “pad” is usually used only once, making the numbers broadcasts nearly unbreakable.
The use of the “one-time pad” was the result of a hard learned lesson by the Soviets in the 1940s. Because the same decoding “pad” was used more than once, Soviet intelligence dispatches were susceptible to decoding. The top secret “Venona” project achieved surprising success decrypting coded and enciphered messages which were sent from 1940 to 1948.
Following later Soviet practice, the Cubans carefully change the code pads daily. We do not know the contents of the messages from Cuba to the intelligence officer in Ohio, but we can be assured that Cuban intelligence is active in Ohio for some, as yet, unknown reason.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Mr. Westerman is the editor/publisher of International News Analysis Today (
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